Philanthropy and Giving


Transforming Generosity: Empowering Churches and Nonprofits through Innovative Giving Strategies

Generations Legal Services provides help to thought-leading churches and nonprofits as they attempt to overcome the challenges of declining cash giving and donor fatigue. We have learned over many years that these organizations have grown tired of this never-ending challenge. Even with really large churches and nonprofits, the need is ever-present. With each organization attempting to provide life-changing ministry and service, they often struggle with accessing the money to make it happen.

While our work with donors constantly reveals people leaning into greater generosity, they just don’t know how to do it. Donors have tapped out their ability to give cash and, frustrated, they move on. Donors often are not told about meaningful giving tools by financial professionals, CPAs and lawyers who are not always motivated or aware of leading giving strategies. That prompted us to design a better way to increase both short- and long-term giving by unlocking the full force of asset-based giving along with proper estate planning. For far too long, this discipline has benefited large colleges, universities and hospitals while the average ministry or church is left out. Additionally, most consultants and planned giving experts have focused only on the legacy side of asset giving and ignored the current gift opportunity that can provide valuable tax benefits along with current cash flow to the church or nonprofit.

At GLS, we are changing both of those realities. We are helping organizations move past the continual pressure applied by stagnant or declining cash giving, resulting in the inability to fulfill their bold dreams. We guide you to success in opening up a whole new funding stream for your organization or ministry. We will help you achieve a larger vision, and gain confidence for the future growth needed to fund your area of ministry or service.

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